Ladies Ag Night would like to welcome Katie Pinke, The Pinke Post as our guest keynote speaker, read about her below ‼️
Katie Pinke is evidence of rural America’s capabilities. From rural North Dakota, she works in marketing and shares her voice on issues and policy impacting agriculture families and our rural communities.
Pinke, the fifth-generation raised on her family’s farm, previously spent eight years as publisher of Agweek and AgweekTV and prior to that worked in agriculture marketing communications from California to New York, all while staying rooted in rural North Dakota. Pinke remains a keynote speaker across North America, having been a keynote speaker at more than 100 business and agriculture events since 2007.
Pinke and her husband have one adult son and two teenage daughters. In early 2020, she spent three months in Colorado as her son went through spinal cord rehabilitation following a skiing accident which left him paralyzed from the chest down.
Pinke also has served on a small-town city council and volunteers for community organizations including 4-H, FFA and her church.
Connect with her on her Katie Pinke, The Pinke Post or Instagram
@katpinke, where along with insightful takes on rural life and agriculture she shares the beauty of North Dakota, from sunrises to sunsets and ball games to barnyards.