Our Soil
Our Legacy
Our Responsibility

Ramsey County Soil Conservation

All members of the ND Soil Conservation Districts are democratically elected. The Soil Conservation District is a legal subdivision of the Sate of North Dakota, organized under the North Dakota Soil Conservation Districts Law enacted in 1937 and as later amended. These local Soil Conservation Districts are managed by a board of supervisors elected by local constituents. Soil Conservation Districts are responsible for carrying out a program of soil and water conservation on cooperating farms within the district boundaries. The Soil Conservation District is supported by charges for some services and can levy taxes.


We offer services for tree planting, soil maintenance and more.

Tree Orders 

Trees are the glue for our soil, we sell many varieties & offer planting.

County History

Our county has a rich history of agriculture. Our legacy is our soil.


We work to share the importance of trees with students.

Why Conservation?

Ramsey County Soil Conservation District offers assistance with windbreaks, grass seedings educational programs, and by assisting farmers in any questions they may have about conserving their land for the future.

Oversight and direction is given by our Board of Supervisors, who establishes policies and directs those employed
by the Soil Conservation District.

Our Mission

To provide leadership in the conservation of our natural resources through educational and technical assistance to
individuals within our districts.

The Management Team


Please get your tree orders into David at the office ASAP! Larger stock becomes more difficult to order the later into the fall/winter we go. Ordering early helps ensure you receive the trees you want.

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Ramsey County Soil Conservation District

We service the Ramsey County area in both rural and urban landscapes. Call or stop by the office and talk to David or Claire to see if we can provide assistance with your projects.
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District6 days ago
Ladies Ag Night would like to welcome Katie Pinke, The Pinke Post as our guest keynote speaker, read about her below ‼️

Katie Pinke is evidence of rural America’s capabilities. From rural North Dakota, she works in marketing and shares her voice on issues and policy impacting agriculture families and our rural communities.

Pinke, the fifth-generation raised on her family’s farm, previously spent eight years as publisher of Agweek and AgweekTV and prior to that worked in agriculture marketing communications from California to New York, all while staying rooted in rural North Dakota. Pinke remains a keynote speaker across North America, having been a keynote speaker at more than 100 business and agriculture events since 2007.

Pinke and her husband have one adult son and two teenage daughters. In early 2020, she spent three months in Colorado as her son went through spinal cord rehabilitation following a skiing accident which left him paralyzed from the chest down.

Pinke also has served on a small-town city council and volunteers for community organizations including 4-H, FFA and her church.

Connect with her on her Katie Pinke, The Pinke Post or Instagram @katpinke, where along with insightful takes on rural life and agriculture she shares the beauty of North Dakota, from sunrises to sunsets and ball games to barnyards.
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District7 days ago
We are so excited to be hosting this event!
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District2 weeks ago
Come see us at Lake Region Extension Roundup! Thank you so much NDSU Extension Ramsey County !!
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District2 weeks ago
We will be set up at our table again this year, catch you at Lake Region Extension Round Up this Wednesday and Thursday January 8th and 9th!
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District
Ramsey County Soil Conservation District3 weeks ago
Check out our new and improved website!

Huge THANK YOU to Josh White at Creel Bay Digital!!